Customer Service0755-33525155


  • about us
  • Project Refrences

    Project Description
    Chinese Academy of Science Smart City Architecture
    Yantai Intelligent industrial control project of heating
    Peng Lai “一品公馆” Smart home villa
    Henan “华纳置业” Condominium
    Zhenzhou “长江一号” Condominium
    Guangzhou PLA Land Division Vehicle Parking Tracking system
    Beijing University of Science and Technology Smart School
    Beijing Dongcheng District Bamboo Smart Community
  • Awards and Achievements

    • National Department of Housing, Ministry of Science and wisdom designated smart city community-based pilot demonstration unit;
    • National high-tech enterprises;
    • Double soft certification enterprise;
    • Software technology center in Shandong Province;
    • Shandong Province Enterprise Technology Center;
    • Yantai - Intelligent Control Engineering Technology Research Center;
    • Scientific and technological progress awards.
  • Core Technologies

Enterprise culture

iWiscloud Culture

  • Vision
  • To be an international leading brand name for IoT products and solutions
  • Mission
  • To proactively innovate future IoT products improving life quality, better safety, well being and energy saving.
  • We seek to cooperate with like-minded parties to build long-lasting business relationship that generate meaningful and enduring mutual benefits.
  • Opportunities
  • Wiscloud is also seeking likeminded businesses to grow together in achieving greater heights in the industry.
  • Talents
  • Wiscloud not only values talents but passion and enthusiasm to drive the company forward to gain the competitive advantage over our competitors.
  • We position the company as a platform to nurture and grow outstanding individuals. We believe in nurturing young and inspiring individuals to impart valuable skills and knowledge and to make them a better person.

FCC Certificate

  • Wiscloud2AKLZWIS-IR
  • Wiscloud2AKLZWIS-IR
  • Wiscloud2AKLZWIS-S-CH
  • Wiscloud2AKLZWIS-S-CH
  • Wiscloud2AKLZWIS-S-CH

Certificate of honor

  • Wiscloud certificate of software products
  • Wiscloud certificate of software products
  • Wiscloud certificate of software products
  • Wiscloud certificate of software products
  • Wiscloud certificate of software products
  • Wiscloud software engineering technology
  • WiscloudYantai Enterprise Technology Center
  • WiscloudThe 2014 annual outstanding products
  • WiscloudDetermination of special enterprises
  • WiscloudCertificate of donation
  • WiscloudCertificate of donation
  • WiscloudInternet Association certificate
  • WiscloudThe network culture operation license
  • WiscloudThe most competitive product award
  • Wiscloud2.4G gas content Detection
  • WiscloudDetection system of 2.4G gas content
  • Wiscloudterminal system based on Cloud
  • WiscloudCloud energy-saving control system
  • WiscloudValue added business license -1
  • WiscloudValue added business license
  • WiscloudCertification of environmental
  • WiscloudOccupation management license
  • WiscloudQuality management license
  • WiscloudIntelligent switch of CE license
  • Wiscloud import and export goods license
  • Wiscloudimport and export goods license2

Software certificate

  • WiscloudWiscloud WebOS management V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud Hospital Management V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud Weiss management V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud sales management V2.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud salary management V2.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud Internet control V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud relationship V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud library management V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud fam game software V1.0
  • Wiscloud i-wiscloud Furnishing Android control
  • WiscloudWiscloud WisOS cloud operating V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud animation software V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud life script game software V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud remote energy-saving control
  • WiscloudWiscloud e-commerce service platform
  • WiscloudWiscloud smart watch V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud game software V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud Weiss management V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud library management V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud project management V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud vehicle management V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud customer management V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud intelligent control
  • WiscloudWiscloud vegetable management V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud Furnishing control V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud Hospital Management V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud WebOS management V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud salary management V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud sales management V1.0
  • Wiscloudi-wiscloud Android control
  • WiscloudWiscloud wisos cloud operating
  • Wiscloud e-commerce service platform
  • WiscloudHotel Management System
  • WiscloudAir PM dust detection system
  • Wiscloudanimation platform software
  • WiscloudGas content detection
  • Wiscloudlarge Webpage Game platform
  • WiscloudRemote control terminal
  • WiscloudWiscloud i-Smart control
  • Wiscloudstreet lamp remote monitoring
  • Wiscloudautomation control terminal V1.0
  • Wiscloud automatic energy-saving control V1.0
  • WiscloudIWiscloud PM2.5 sensing V1.0
  • WiscloudiWiscloud sensing system dioxide V1.0
  • WiscloudiWiscloud formaldehyde sensing V1.0
  • WiscloudiWiscloud temperature sensor V1.0
  • WiscloudiWiscloud sound sensing V1.0
  • WiscloudiWiscloud oxygen sensing V1.0
  • WiscloudiWiscloud monoxide sensor V1.0
  • WiscloudWiscloud animation software V1.0
  • Wiscloudremote automatic control platform
  • WiscloudWiscloud smart watch positioning V1.0

Patent certificate

  • WiscloudCloud automation control terminal
  • Wiscloud2.4G automatic network air PM content
  • WiscloudCloud automatic energy-saving control
  • WiscloudThree way touch switch patent notice
  • Wiscloud2.4G network PM content detection
  • Wiscloud2.4G network Air testing device
  • WiscloudFurnishing control terminal patent
  • WiscloudCircular sensor patent notice
  • WiscloudCircular LCD sensor patent notice
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